Hi, I’m Adnan.

My K-8 education reflects the unfortunate reality that where you live in NYC will likely dictate the quality of school you attend. It was when I began my preparation for the Specialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT) that I realized even after attending some of the best public schools in Brooklyn, I felt like I was not ready for the exam.

Sitting frustrated in a tutoring center, I knew I was better than what my practice test scores told me. The instructor said reassuringly , “Focus on why you are making these mistakes, and you will be more aware of avoiding them.” I realized that these errors exposed knowledge gaps that were covered up over the years. It was here my teaching philosophy was born. Studying for standardized tests is a powerful way to reinforce what was taught in school. When you add time management and strategic thinking to the preparation, you create a learning atmosphere that can challenge our next generation of leaders and researchers.

My Approach

The idea is simple. After a timed diagnostic assessment, I determine the strengths and areas of focus of the student. We formulate a plan that rebuilds crucial elements of mathematical reasoning and reading comprehension. We follow this plan while I provide support managing the daily workload given at school. There is a right way to go to school. I help the student discover it in a developmentally responsive way.

Be Proactive, Not Reactive

The current tutoring model is outdated. Frustrated students reach out to stressed teachers who have no time to address knowledge gaps that have taken years to develop. High-priced tutors can help, but when the problems are deeply rooted, results are temporary.

Emphasis on Equity

Struggling communities suffered most from the consequences of remote learning. I continue my work with local organizations to provide free test preparation to eager students whose desire to learn is reflected in their work ethic. It is their dedication that drives me to ensure everyone has access to the best quality of instruction and materials.